Our ambition
Our ambition for Barnett-Hall as a market leading sustainable organisation, is to be highly regarded as a responsible business in our market and adopt a proactive approach to securing a more sustainable future for our sector.
By collaborating and working in partnership with key internal and external stakeholders we will be part of the right conversations, identify the right opportunities and align our internal decision frameworks towards a more sustainable future for our people, supply chain and planet.
Our foundation
The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals are an urgent call for action by all countries in a global partnership and at Barnett-Hall we recognise that these goals are an increasingly important measure of societal progress, and we all have a role to play in achieving them.
That is why the pillars identified by our ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) team and within our new ESG policy, are very much aligned to the UN goals.
You can find out more about the SDG's using the link below.
Our Environmental, Social and Governance policy
Our pillars
We are taking a structured and targeted approach to our sustainability journey under these 4 key pillars, aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Please click on a pillar below to see it's links to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Our Commitment
We recognise our responsibility to deliver more sustainable supply chains and support initiatives that deliver sustainable solutions for our business.
As a demonstration of our commitment to supporting positive change we have signed up to the GAFTA sustainability pledge.
You can find our listing on the GAFTA Sustainability pledge directory at the following link: https://www.gafta.com/Sustainability-Pledge-Directory
Sustainability Journey Updates
Sustainability isn't a destination - it's a journey, you can see our latest progress updates below:
Barnett-Hall ESG progress update 2023